Entries by Elf Harold Star

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300 Days Until Santa’s Launch

300 days remain until Santa’s launch from the North Pole for Christmas 2023. It is a Sunday and the countdown clocks everywhere here at the North Pole mark the snowy milestone. Here is where we stand on Operation Merry Christmas so far: – The Sleigh Committee is meeting daily in Flight Command to explore new […]


First North Pole Chat of the New Year Scheduled

The first North Pole Chat of the new year has been scheduled for January 28th at 7pm EST at SantaUpdate.com. Elf Crash Murphy, Santa’s eye-in-the-sky reporter who trails Santa’s sleigh every Christmas Eve, will present stories of Santa’s flight last month. Santa had a dramatic launch in a 50-year old sleigh that experts said would […]

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350 Days Until Santa’s Launch

The countdown to Santa’s launch now shows that 350 days remain until that big event. You would not know that is looking at the North Pole right now. Santa’s workshop is dark and locked up. There is minimal staffing at North Pole Flight Command. The reindeer are lounging at Santa’s Stables and elves are busy […]