Elf News Reporter at North Pole News Network
Elf Meg graduated from Southern North Pole University with a degree in journalism. For several years she was a star reporter for the North Pole Gazette and then briefly served as a producer for North Pole Radio News. She brings her experience in media to North Pole Flight Command, serving as both an Elf News Reporter for North Pole Radio News and Managing Editor of North Pole Flight Command.com
Elf Meg Nogg
Latest posts by Elf Meg Nogg (see all)

The Weather Department has issued a blizzard warning for Tuesday through Saturday this week at the North Pole. The North Pole is currently in its 59th consecutive day of snow.

“Every model we check comes back with the same answer,” said Weather Department Head Elf, Seymour Snow. “It’s nothing but snow, snow and more snow”.

This is not a new challenge for the North Pole at Christmas. In fact, the tradition of snow when Santa launches has become something of a joke to reindeer handlers and sleigh technicians alike. The “unofficial tree” of the North Pole is the snow shovel.

A recent North Pole Radio News report on the weather commented on what crews are doing with all the extra snow.

It should be noted that despite the weather Santa’s flight operations are not expected to be affected.

Elf News Reporter at North Pole News Network
Elf Meg graduated from Southern North Pole University with a degree in journalism. For several years she was a star reporter for the North Pole Gazette and then briefly served as a producer for North Pole Radio News. She brings her experience in media to North Pole Flight Command, serving as both an Elf News Reporter for North Pole Radio News and Managing Editor of North Pole Flight Command.com
Elf Meg Nogg
Latest posts by Elf Meg Nogg (see all)

BREAKING – North Pole radar is tracking a massive moving object headed towards the North Pole. The object has not yet been identified. The object was picked up over the North Atlantic ocean coming out of Norway and heading west before it took a direct turn north over Greenland. It appears to be headed towards the North Pole at a steady rate of speed.

“We’re studying the object now,” said Elf Buck Sanchez, Flight Director at the North Pole Tracking Center. “It’s much to large to be any kind of aircraft and we have nothing to indicate that it is harmful.”

The weather department is certain it is now a weather event either.

“We know what storm clouds look like,” said Elf Seymour Snow, head of North Pole Weather Department. “This phenomenon acts nothing like a storm. There’s no temperature associated with it. No precipitation. And it is moving in the wrong direction, against the winds. It’s not weather.”

Speculation is running rampant that this “massive” moving cloud could be Santa’s reindeer returning to the North Pole.

We refer you to North Pole News at SantaUpdate.com for any new information relative to the reindeer returning.