Elf Wall Closed at Santa Trackers

Elf Wall Closed

Attention all Santa tracker elves tracking Santa for Santa: due to high web traffic we have decided to shut down SantaTrackers.net temporarily.

Your Elf Supervisors will post any needed information for you here as conditions warrant. Please make use of comments below to ask any questions you might have.

Elf Crash, as you are aware, has been out on the final test flight of Santa’s sleigh. Elf Roger Star is directing Santa Trackers in his absence.

We believe that once Santa launches web traffic may recede so that SantaTrackers.net can be restored. For now, enjoy the music and North Pole Radio News, and check in here for updates.


Elf Ernest
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9 replies
  1. Elf Ulan
    Elf Ulan says:

    Thank you so much, Elf Ernest! I was lucky to read Elf Max’s post about Elf Wall closing soon. Thank you so much, Elf Roger. I’ve been sending the reports you asked for since last evening. It took a long time to open the pages and send the reports, and now I can not open the News and report pages. I hope it will be okay after I check around noon because it’s night in Sectors 4 and 5. Merry Christmas Eve!

  2. Elf Blaze
    Elf Blaze says:

    Thank you! I hope we can restore the wall soon! Is this where I should check for updates instead of or along with santatrackers.net news?

  3. Elf Blaze
    Elf Blaze says:

    Thank you! I hope we can restore the wall soon! Is this where I should check for updates instead of or along with santatrackers.net news? Thanks! Merry Christmas!🎁🎄

  4. Elf Blaze
    Elf Blaze says:

    Thank you! I hope we can restore the wall soon! Is this where I should check for updates instead of or along with santatrackers news? Thanks! Merry Christmas!🎁🎄

  5. elf sugar peppermint
    elf sugar peppermint says:

    I was shocked that the elf chat was closed when i went to ask a question. I read this article today and i noticed that the elf chat not there yesterday. i guess i should just keep up with the news.

  6. Elf Mistletoe
    Elf Mistletoe says:

    I haven’t been able to get any reports out. The only thing I can get is the radio. I have only got to see the map a few times. It’s 8:14 in South Carolina sectorr 5 in the US.
    Safe travels and Merry Christmas!


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