Greenland and S. America Welcome Christmas Eve

Sector 4 is in the Red Zone

The clock has ticked over to Christmas Eve day in the far eastern portions of Sector 4, signaling that Sector 4 is now in the Red Zone.

The Red Zone is when Christmas Eve begins in any given area. It means sleighs of all types – freighters, scouts, weather trackers, and other North Pole sleighs associated with Operation Merry Christmas – are actively at work in the sector. It can also mean that Santa is soon to be there.

The Red Zone is a signal to tracker elves tracking Santa for Santa that they are on active duty.

Elf Harold Star
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2 replies
  1. Elf Ulan
    Elf Ulan says:

    Thank you, Elf Harold! I listened to Elf Tubby on the radio! They are in Red Zine, too! Sounds so fast! Is it the same as last year? Wow, I wonder if Elf Tubby speaks 16 languages! I’m curious how they say “Merry Christmas!” in each language. Merry Christmas Eve! XD


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