Entries by Elf Meg Nogg


Sector 4 Regional Tracking Center Announced

Sector 4 covers South America, Greenland and most of the Atlantic regional. Today North Pole Flight Command announces that the Regional headquarters for this sector will this year be located in San Nicholas, Aruba. Here is where it is on the map: It is the 2nd tropical location for a regional tracking center so far […]


Sector 1 Regional Tracking Center Announced

Sector 1 is the broad area of the world known as Oceania. It encompasses the island nations of the deep South Pacific, all of Australia, New Zealand and the countries of the Pacific Rim. It is the first place where Christmas is celebrated and where Santa visits first each Christmas Eve. North Pole Flight Command […]

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New Sleigh Design Rejected

The newest design of Santa’s sleigh was rejected in a meeting held at North Pole Flight Command. For months engineers and sleigh designers have followed a very careful path in designing a new sleigh for Santa. After the issues last year with the new sleigh it is critical that they find solutions. After months of […]