Version 4 of the Sleigh Ordered

New Sleigh

As the test flights of Santa’s sleigh push west towards Australia the Sleigh Shop at the North Pole has received orders to produce Version 4.

This new version will include minor changes to the sleigh’s design to improve stability at slow speeds while flying at low altitudes. The changes are based on flight data obtained in the past several weeks of flying Version 3 of the sleigh.

It is quite normal for design changes to happen in the weeks leading up to Christmas. With each change comes a little better performance.

There are 12 sleighs in the test flight fleet, so 12 of the new version will be produced. Version 3 of the sleigh will be retired when the new version becomes available. The Sleigh Shop says the new version of the sleigh should be flying within a week.

We will keep you posted on the progress of the test flights of Santa’s sleigh. You can track those flights on the Santa Tracker Map at

Elf Meg Nogg
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2 replies
  1. Elf Ulan
    Elf Ulan says:

    Thank you, Elf Meg! Wow, they will make version 4! Yeah, stability at slow speeds while flying at low altitudes is essential. I’m curious about how Santa’s last sleigh was going when he flew at low altitudes. I hope it was safe. And I wonder if they reuse the old test sleighs. I hope the version 4 is going well! Santa is happy to see his sleigh to improve. Merry Christmas! XD


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