India Gets a Regional Tracking Center

India Gets a Tracking Center

Elf Clif Moyer and his team of tracker elves are headed to the lively city of Kochi, India today. Kochi was announced today by Flight Command as the home for the regional tracking center in Sector 2 this year.

“Kochi is a modern, large and beautiful city where they just happen to celebrate a lot of Christmas,” Elf Roger Star, Director of North Pole Flight Command, said. “We were able to find a suitable facility with all the modern necessities required with Internet and power. We are excited to be spending Christmas there.”

The new Regional Tracking Center in Kochi is expected to be live before the end of July.

“I’ve been to Kochi six times in the past 8 weeks,” Elf Clif said. “It’s been at the top of my list since January and I’m so happy the committee made the decision. I know we won’t regret it. It’s great to finally have the contract signed and to be moving forward. We’re going to be ready to track Santa for Santa real fast.”

Elf Meg Nogg
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1 reply
  1. Elf Ulan
    Elf Ulan says:

    Thank you, Elf Meg! Congratulations, Kochi, India!! I think Elf Clif is so excited about the NPFC decision. And I finally knew they chose the location, lol. Oh, Elf Clif has already been thinking about those locations since January, as Elf Randi did! I hope our tracker elves recommended the places, too! Thank you, Elf Roger, for giving us the opportunity to submit it, too.
    I look forward to hearing from other Section’s Regional Tracking Centers soon! XD


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