Version 3 of Santa’s Sleigh Ordered

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Version 3 of Santa's Sleigh

Well, that didn’t last long. Just weeks after model #2 of Santa’s Sleigh was delivered Version #3 has now been ordered. Test flights of Version #2 are presently over Sector 3.

As has happened in years past, a new version of the sleigh usually means it will be tested in a new area. We were told that Sector 3 would host the test flights “for several weeks”. Does this mean the test flights are headed to a new area?

Elf Roger Star would not answer that question when he announced the build order of Version #3. He did say, however, that it would take “about a week” for the new version of the sleigh to be delivered.

The modifications being made to the sleigh are not being disclosed. Elf Roger did say that while model #2 was short lived it “performed beyond expectations”.

Santa’s sleigh will be in test flight mode all the way through the day of Santa’s launch.

We will keep you posted.

Elf Meg Nogg
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1 reply
  1. Elf Ulan
    Elf Ulan says:

    Thank you, Elf Meg! Oh, are they making Version #3? I’m very curious about what part they will change. The engineers might have found a little thing in the sleigh again. How amazing job they are!! I know Santa is proud of them.
    I look forward to hearing more about the new sleigh soon! Thank you, and Merry Christmas! XD


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